
I write, speak, and consult in several areas connected to economic development planning, including labour market governance and regulation, migration governance, platform economies, future of work, knowledge economies, youth and employment, Gulf-Asia relations, among others. I am usually available to answer media queries in my areas of expertise. It is helpful if you send me questions in advance. You can write me here.

Selected recent media appearances, articles, or mentions

Interviewed by Eliane Lamper for, "Jordaniërs al weken de straat op voor Gaza, protest is balanceeract voor regering," NOS Nieuws (10 April 2024)

Guest, ISR Book Review podcast (22 December 2023)

Notable Books of 2023 (aka End of the Year ISR Podcast)
In this episode we thought it would be fun – and hopefully engaging for some of our listeners – to share some of our editors’ most notable reads of 2023. The Books and Review Editor, Huss Banai, is joined by Associate Editors, Crystal Ennis and Nicolas Blarel, to discuss some their favorite/notable/most engaging reads from last year. You can find the links to the recommended readings below: Crystal’s Choices: The Contested World Economy: The Deep and Global Roots of International Political Economy by Eric Helleiner (Cambridge University Press, 2023) Between Dreams and Ghosts: Indian Migration and Middle Eastern Oil by Andrea Wright (Stanford University Press, 2021) Nico’s Choices: Governing Abroad: Coalition Politics and Foreign Policy in Europe by Sibel Oktay (University of Michigan Press, 2022) Boats in a Storm: Law, Migration, and Decolonization in South and Southeast Asia, 1942–1962 by Kalyani Ramnath (Stanford University Press, 2023) Huss’s Choices: Making Global Society: A Study of Humankind Across Three Eras by Barry Buzan (Cambridge University Press, 2023) Hybrid Sovereignty in World Politics by Swati Srivastava (Cambridge University Press, 2023)

Book reviewed by Namrata Raju in Developing Economics (28 August 2023)

The South Asia to Gulf Migration Governance Complex – Edited by Crystal A. Ennis and Nicolas Blarel: Review
Migration Governance: Moving Away from “Uncle Always Knows” Almost everyone on social media has that one Instagram friend who posts bronzed pictures in Santorini, or screenshots of champagne flutes…

Guest, Business Diplomacy Today podcast, No. 13. (published 22 June 2023)

The migration governance complex
In this episode, Matthias Catón and Crystal Ennis discuss the migration governance complex, defined as how migration governance happens in practice and the various actors involved. Their discussion

Interviewed by Sander van Mersbergen for "Qatarese villa’s zitten vol verkapte slaven: ‘Als ik naar buiten wil, wordt mijn werkgever boos’," AD (12 November 2022) in Dutch

Mentioned in "WK in Qatar: uitbuiting begint en eindigt niet bij een landsgrens," De Volkskrant (12 November 2022). Republished on De Morgen. in Dutch

Wrote op-ed in Middle East Eye (26 Oct 2022)

World Cup 2022: Migrant worker abuse shames whole world, not just Qatar
Around the world, from east to west, migrant workers face abysmal and exploitative conditions. Why is Qatar being singled out?

Interviewed by Richa Syal, "U.A.E. and Israel have world's fastest vaccination programs — what can the West learn from them?" CBC News (13 Feb 2021)

Interviewed by Austin Bodetti, "A green future: Oman blazes a trail for environmentalism in the Arab world," The New Arab (12 December 2018)